New Career Direction

So. I’ve been unemployed for 4 months now. I search job postings diligently, and there’s just not a lot that I’m interested in applying for ($8/hr Kmart part-time cashier, anyone?) I’ve got mad skillz…the whole gamut of medical administrative experience (billing, insurance, transcription, scheduling, front and back office, database management, composing correspondence, terminology, medical-legal procedures, […]

Catching Up

Is it September already?!? Thanks to all who wished me well in my recovery of pneumonia. I’m doing much better, and I’m almost back to normal. Just don’t mind me when I break out into spontaneous coughing fits. I took two trips to California in August. I attended my twin nieces’ first birthday party, spent […]

Deja Vu

The majority of the last few days have spent packing like a maniac. Yes, you heard that right packing. I’m moving again. And I was just there six short months ago, preparing to move from Michigan to Georgia. It’s like deja vu…the same stress, the same mad box collecting, the same sorting, the same stuff..but […]


My family will be going through some difficult changes in the upcoming weeks. To say that I’m feeling overwhelmed is an understatement. Plans seem to change daily, and I pray that the decisions being made will work out for the best. I know there are no easy answers. I know it will probably get worse […]


I’ve recently come to the conclusion that my online life was taking up way too much of my time. Instead of doing important things around the house, I was reading blogs or chatting on Facebook. My energy level has taken a dip, and I just can’t keep up with everything anymore. I have a lot […]

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