Category: Culture
Flashback Friday: “Jump” by Kris Kross
The Mac Daddy and the Daddy Mac. Chris Kelly and Chris Smith were the ultimate trendsetters for the tween crowd in the early 90’s. Discovered in an Atlanta mall in 1990, the signed a recording deal with Ruffhouse Records and released their album “Totally Krossed Out” in 1992. “Jump” was their first, and biggest, hit […]
Flashback Friday: “Black” by Pearl Jam
In 1991, the realities of being an emotional adolescent were on the upswing. It was the beginning of the grunge era, and my musical tastes switched from New Kids on the Block and poppy Top 40 hits…to songs with deeper meaning, more angst, and lyrics that spoke to my soul. One of the albums that […]
Six Good Reasons To Kiss The Irish
St. Patrick’s Day is Sunday, and it’s a time that being Irish is celebrated. Although my ancestry includes a mix of Irish, English, Native American, and Scandinavian, if somebody asks me – I’ll say I’m Irish. In November when our family went to England, we took an unexpected trip over to Dublin for a day. […]
TMI Friday: Mormon Beauty, Modesty, and Shame
Sometimes you feel something, but it’s not an appropriate time to say it. For me, I tend to keep my mouth shut (literally), bring it up on Twitter, and then talk about it on my blog later. Now it’s time to talk. Today’s topic: Modesty. There have been many talks, articles, blog posts, and firesides […]
Flashback Friday: “One” by U2
As with last week’s Flashback Friday selection “Enjoy the Silence,” the song “One” by U2 also defined my early adolescence. The first U2 song I remember listening to was “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” (while actually knowing it was U2). I was having my 10th birthday party slumber party, and we had […]
Flashback Friday: “Enjoy The Silence” by Depeche Mode
When I decided to start my Flashback Friday series in 2011, I decided to choose music that was popular right around the time that I was my daughter’s age. So that meant choosing songs that were popular from 1990 on. The song that sparked my idea was “Enjoy the Silence” by Depeche Mode. I was […]
Wordless Wednesday: I Am A Horrible Example To My Child
Saw a pack of “Doctor’s Choice” candy cigarettes in a candy novelty shop in Portland. Could not resist.
Flashback Friday: “All I Want” by Toad The Wet Sprocket
Toad The Wet Sprocket The first time I heard the name “Toad the Wet Sprocket” and the beginning drum beats of “All I Want” played, I was immediately a fan. Can you instantaneously fall in love with a band off of their name and 5 seconds of a song? In the case of me in […]