
Three weeks ago, Taylor and I signed up for a gym membership. My health’s been better recently and I’m feeling motivated to lose weight again (especially looking at myself in all those London pictures). In the past 11 days, I’ve had 7 cardio workouts. I started out barely being able to hang on for 25 minutes, now I can make it through 40 minutes. I haven’t done much weight training yet, but I’ll incorporate it fairly soon. I got a freebie session with a personal trainer and went over some suggested exercises, and did a health profile. I’ve been feeling more energetic, my clothes fit a little better and am motivated to stick with this.

Despite the newfound motivation, I’m frustrated. I stepped on the scale and I’ve gained 7 pounds in two weeks. Everyone gives me the “gaining muscle mass” excuse (which I think is partially true) but it’s still disappointing. On the whole, my eating has been really healthy; lean meats, fruits and veggies, whole grains, etc. I’ve splurged a few times, like cupcakes and sweet potato fries, but my portions have been MUCH smaller than the last few months. I hope I’ll be able to take off weight (or at least not gain anymore) as the holidays (and holiday food) will be present for the rest of the year.

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