To SLC, or not to SLC

…that is the question. I’ve got a 3-day weekend for work, and there’s a lot going on in SLC. My friend Nicole’s wedding, my friend Antoinette’s party, seeing my parents’ new home in Lehi, my sister will be down from Rexburg, etc. Unfortunately, to make it to the wedding and party, I’d have to work […]

What to pack?

Earlier this month, I posted about my intended gypsy lifestyle for the remainder of the month. I will be leaving Detroit today, and will not return until December 28/29, depending on flight loads. Above is a picture of (a new version of my) trusty silver suitcase. It has traveled with me for over 40,000 flight […]

Back in Detroit

I just got home from SLC. I didn’t ever think I could be so relieved to be in Detroit. I think I might give up on non-revving to SLC for a while. Rosie and I got on the 7:24 am direct flight, and through the kindness of a few passengers, Rosie and I got to […]