
The word is in on both job offers is in, and one offer was 15% higher than the other. I have accepted the position in Thoracic Surgery, where I will be the go-to girl for Dr. Pickens. The office has a great view of lovely Ann Arbor, the office staff is wonderful, and I know Dr. P and I will make a splendid team! To celebrate, I’m going to see the Atlantic ocean this weekend. I’m flying into Providence tonight, and will return on Sunday morning (as long as we can get on the plane). Here are the words to Keane’s “Atlantic,” just for fun…

I hope all my days Will be lit by your face
I hope all the years Will hold tight our promises
I don’t wanna be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home

I don’t wanna be old and feel afraid
I don’t wanna be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don’t wanna be old and feel afraid
And if I need anything at all

I need a place That’s hidden in the deep
Where lonely angels sing you to your sleep

Though all the world is broken
I need a place
Where I can make my bed

A lover’s lap where I can lay my head

Cos now the room is spinning
The day’s beginning

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