Rosie turns 8 one month from today. She is adamant about getting baptized ON her birthday. We can’t make solid plans until Taylor gets his September schedule on August 21. We’ve been thinking about who would come, and realized that no family would be there. We’d have some people from our ward and a few friends if we had it in Michigan. And maybe Aunt Liz would fly out. We started talking about our own baptisms, and how great it was to be surrounded by extended family, and thought about the possibility of having the baptism in Utah or California. If we traveled, we’d have a aunts, uncles, grandparents, and close friends. However, if we choose one location over another, we’d have the other side of the family feeling left out. I could probably take the day off before, but it would be another stand-by quick trip.
I know that it’s the act and ordinance of baptism that’s the important part. It only requires consent of the bishop and two witnesses. But is it a better option to be with family?