Saturday evening, Taylor called me from DTW. He was waiting around for his last flight of the night to Lansing. This particular flight is pretty ridiculous, only 75ish nautical miles and 23 minutes away. He went into his usual complaint about being “stuck in a lonely hotel room with a comfy bed and nobody to share it.” I realized that the next day was Labor day, and I didn’t have anywhere in particular to be. Rosie and I decided to drive up to Lansing to enjoy the Hampton Inn on the airlines’ bill. We left Canton about 10 minutes before his flight left, drove the 70 minutes to Michigan’s state capital city, and got to the hotel at about the same time as the hotel shuttle. We grabbed dinner at Bennigans, bummed around the hotel room for the evening, and slept on Taylor’s favorite hotel mattress. A decent free breakfast was enjoyed, Rosie and I did some school shopping at the Lansing Mall, and we were back home in time to enjoy an afternoon BBQ at the Medleys.
One of these days, I’d like to fly on his plane with him to somewhere cool. But in the mean time, we have Lansing.