It’s time to announce the CCCC Comment March Madness Champion!
A special feature on Mary will be posted in the next week. She is the winner of a custom made care package for caring enough to comment one of more times for most every post of the last three weeks. If you are too impatient to read, here’s a pic of her on my post when we saw Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.
Here are the final results:
Mary 31
Lori 28
Lia 27
Misty 15
Kemi 10
Laree 9
Elsja 9
Partner of a Pilot 6
Hizzeather 5
Mandy 4
Three comments: Erin, Gabrielle, Matt, Devri, Rachel N, Janelle
Two comments: Tripacerchick, Wahlee, KC Mom
One comment: Eetmost, Carrie, Anne, Rachel W, Lynsey, M-jed, Jennifer V
Thank you to all who participated! It made me smile each time I got an email pop-up alerting me of another comment. Lori, Lia, and Misty…email me your addresses and I will send you a runner-up consolation prize for all your hard work!