The Reality of Injury

I talked to my dad yesterday…and today was the first time he seemed very downtrodden since the accident. He’s been more cognizant of his pain and injuries, and has been having some insomnia. He was thankful that Taylor brought him a large stash of music and movies to keep him occupied and sane. He talked […]

Special Fast tomorrow and post-op update

David got out surgery on Thursday night around 9:30. The surgery went as well as can be expected. Unfortunately, they didn’t get the dosing of pain medication correct for almost two hours post-op. He was in miserable pain, the worst he’d felt since the actual accident. He is more awake and less groggy than when […]

Outta the ICU!

Today David’s main issue has been his ICU psychosis/hallucinations. He has complained of ants crawling on his face and on the ceiling, sea creatures on the window, water dripping from the wall and tv, a cat in the corner of the room, and a baby’s head suspended out the window. He has upgraded to sucking […]

Without a trach…

This morning I went to visit David for a few hours. He was in good spirits, but still complaining about being stuck in the hospital and wanting to sneak out. The trauma team was there on their rounds, removed his trach and bandaged the stoma. He’s able to talk a little more easily, but it’s […]

Life or Limb?

Last night my dad was taken in for surgery, after signing a consent for possible amputation. When the surgeons went in, there was so much decay/necrosis and infection that they had absolutely no choice but to amputate. From what I understand, the amputation was right at the knee. In a few days they will have […]