Flashback Friday – “More Than Words” by Extreme

“Saying ‘I Love You’ is not the words I want to hear from you” – The grammar may be atrocious, but oh….how this song makes my heart melt! This acoustic power ballad became a number one hit on the Billboard charts, released on the album titled “Extreme II – Pornograffiti.” Due to the title of […]

Shameless Self Promotion: Ignite Salt Lake and Frida Tweetup

In case you haven’t seen my tweets or Facebook messages about it, I’ve been selected to speak at Ignite Salt Lake 7, a community event celebrating passion and geek culture.  Ignite events showcase a series of speakers, who in rapid succession, give 5 minute talks on whatever ignites their passion. Speakers are allowed 20 slides […]

TMI Friday: I’m Not Crazy, It’s My Hormones

You know when you’ve been sick for so long, you’re obsessed with finding out why? One of my favorite things to do when I can’t sleep is research health topics. I’m an insomniac who researches sleep disorders in the wee hours of the morning so I can try to make some sense of why I’m […]

Everyone Must Breathe

Right now I’m working on one of those blog posts that is dripping with so much pain and emotion that I can only write a little bit every day. A real peek into my soul. It’s harder than I thought. Be patient. In the mean time, these song lyrics have been repeating in my mind. […]

Bloggy Bootcamp

I love meeting new people. It’s one of the things that motivates, inspires, and delights me. Believe it or not, I’ve been meeting people off the internet since 1997! I met my husband online! I’ve met friends from other countries! I’ve met some really, really amazing “real” people through my “virtual” life. So when an […]