TMI Friday: Don’t Mess With My Peeps, Yo!

I’m Nicole, and I’m a Mormon. But I don’t always feel comfortable talking about religion on my blog. As I’m sure most people do in their life, I have had questions about my faith. I have heard unsavory stories of things that have happened through the history of my church. I have lived half of […]

TMI Friday: Being on Steroids for Lousy Lungs can Give you a Better Rack

In the past month, I’ve filled over 20 prescriptions. In addition to playing “profession patient”, I’ve become the Foursquare mayor of several different pharmacies and medical clinics. I feel like my local Walgreens is the pharmacy equivalent of Cheers – “where everybody knows your name” (In fact, thinking about it makes me want to drown […]

TMI Friday: My Poor Nostrils

Between the painfully dry winter in Utah, and the nightly abuse of pressurized air from my CPAP machine…my nostrils are suffering.  Between prescription-strength steroid nasal spray, regular swipes of Neosporin on a Q-TIP, and sinus rinses…I’m doing what my doctor has ordered. Unfortunately, I’m getting bloody noses all the time. What’s really gross is waking […]

TMI Friday: I’m Not Crazy, It’s My Hormones

You know when you’ve been sick for so long, you’re obsessed with finding out why? One of my favorite things to do when I can’t sleep is research health topics. I’m an insomniac who researches sleep disorders in the wee hours of the morning so I can try to make some sense of why I’m […]

Despair and Euphoria

Melancholy Indulgent Narcissistic Overly-critical Impatient Unrealistic Moody Contrary Impulsive Unforgiving Wistful Confused Irreverent Recently I’ve had a difficult time figuring out who I am. I feel like my life is a constant state of change, and so many elements are beyond my control. When I am in a depressive episode (nearly a year now), I […]