What’s Goin’ On?

WE WANT TO MOVE!!! We’re fed up with our neighborhood! Not only have we had ***6*** attempted/sucessful breakins between our two cars since April, there was a pipebomb explosion in the mailbox across the street this week. We don’t feel safe and we want a change. So if anyone sees a house within the $125-150K price range (preferrably in Murray, Midvale, or Taylorsville) let us know. Driving around for a few hours yesterday we only found a select few for sale.

We also got a new car. Three breakin’s with the Acura was enough. So we traded in our Integra and got a Honda Accord. It’s a good change for us….4 doors! It also has security system, moonroof, power everything, A/C, and we owe $4k less on it…and it will be paid off 2 years sooner. Too bad someone has already tried to break in…two days after we bought it. At least there was no damage and the alarm scared them away.

I’ve been at my new job at LDS Hospital for a month now. I am the administrative secretary to the chairman of pathology, Dr. Geyer. He is the best boss I have ever had! He always jokes that I am the “Brains and Beauty of the Operation.” Not only to I get interesting and mind engaging tasks. but I get occasional downtime that I can do whatever I want. He’s also working on a promotion for me already….I can’t complain at all. 🙂

I also decided to go back to school. I’ll be taking 6 credits at the University of Utah, Modern America History 1945-2002 (evening) and Cross-Cultural Communications (online). It looks like I’ll be a History major, since that’s the quickest degree I can get. I only need 29 history credits for the major, but 61 credits for the BA…so I’m thinking I’ll minor in Art History. I with the U had a Humanities major, but I think I’ll really enjoy history. I’m still working out the financial aid, and CLEPping out of French credits (the U isn’t liking my credit from Ricks) but I think it’ll be a good step for my future.

Viva Voce starts on Sept 1. I’m really excited…I’ve missed it this summer. We’ve got a free concert in November at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, working on a new CD project, and are going to be a featured choir at ACDA in March.

We’re also going to Cali for Labor Day. Taylor’s cousin just got married so we’ll go to his open house, take a trip to San Diego, and spend time with the fam. Our new car will be nice for the trip, since we took the Acura last time and it was pretty crowded.

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