The American Festival Chorus pulled off this awesome Christmas flashmob on Black Friday. One of my blogging idols, Loralee Choate, is a part of the AFC. She came up with the idea to put together this fantastic Black Friday flashmob in a matter of days. And they totally pulled it off! Loralee told me about her flashmob plans a few weeks ago when we saw each other at a bloggers event at Hale Center Theater. I was so excited for her and couldn’t wait until the video was posted online. I had NO IDEA it would end up being such a fabulous production! I wish I’d driven up to Cache Valley to experience it live.

Can I just say….I really miss singing in a really great choir? I’m not a soloist by any means. I have that “musical glue” type of blending voice that makes everyone else in the choir sound amazing. If Logan wasn’t so dang far away for weeknight practices, I’d totally join up and quit hiding my musical talents under a bushel. Until then, I’ll just enjoy everyone else’s holiday singing. Until then, I’ll just be friends with @AmFestChorus on Twitter and pretend I’m in that crowd at the mall.