Smart is sexy

“Being an intellectual is not the same as being a snob. Feeding your brain is sexy”
Yahoo Horoscopes, Aquarius, 8/15/07

So far, nobody knows that I’ve started this blog. Good thing, since I haven’t posted anything a few weeks. I think about what blogs would be fun and witty to post, but I never actually sit down and type it out. Excuses, excuses.

Liz’s birthday was last week. On the actual day, I went out to dinner with her and her mom. It is such a hoot to spend time with them together. We had hoped for a gelato run, but we decided to hit a book club instead, and by the time it was over, the gelato shop was closed. The big party was Friday night. The highlight of the evening was Federicos princess cake. Their marzipan is delightful! I met a few more of her friends, reconnected with ones that I met previously, and giggled as Rosie sprayed down and styled Brett’s hair with a squirt gun.

Saturday Rosie and I went hiking with Brett in the Santa Rosa mountains near Murrieta. Brett had been talking about a beautifully green area with interesting vernal pools. Unfortunately, the last time he went was in the Spring of 2006, before this massive drought. Everything was dried up, including the pools. But we hiked nonetheless. Rosie led the way through the sweltering heat to the adobes, where we stopped for some food. We played around on the big rocks and took some pictures. On the way back, we spotted some random watermelon vines (one of the only living plants in the area). The hike back was difficult, as most of it was uphill. I stopped for a few “shade breaks” and followed a coyote in a nearby field. We were gone about 3 hours…quite a workout!

Monday night I went to the Gliss show at the Viper Room with Liz and Brett. It was my first show to be “on the list” and have to enter through the velvet rope. We met up with Patrick and Jessie, and rocked out for the next hour. The band before I’d never heard of, and wasn’t terribly impressed with. Gliss, however, rocked! I loved how the members traded off instruments, and captured the crowd. The set was fairly short, but definitely worth the drive to Hollywood. After waiting in a cloud of cigarette smoke to meet the band, we headed off to the 101 Cafe. We had hot chocolate and sweet potato fries (“Orgasmic,” according to Patrick). I fell asleep on the way back, and finally crashed into bed at 2 am.

Currently, I’m about halfway done with Deathly Hallows. I’ve hit that point that everyone says you can’t put the book down. Unfortunately, I have to put it down to do some homework. But as my horoscope says…smart is sexy. I’d better go feed my brain.

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