Pandemic Fatigue is a Poor Excuse for Your Lack of Empathy

It’s one thing to be sick with a virus that’s walloped the world for 2 years now. But’s entirely another to deal with the fallout of what people say to you about said pandemic. Now that I don’t feel like my life is immediately in danger, I am getting so hurt and frustrated over what […]

I’m Moving to Michigan

Last night I updated my Facebook status, and mentioned our family’s move to Michigan at the end of the post. The general reply? “Whaaaat? No! You’re Moving? Did I miss your announcement?!?” Although I’ve been talking about our upcoming move for several months, I guess it’s never been official because I didn’t make a big […]

June Update

Last weekend I went to a blogging conference, passed out business cards, and hung my head in shame that I had not updated my blog in SIX WEEKS (what kind of blogger am I??) So now I am writing to rectify this. In my defense, I have posted at Beauty and the Bypass a few […]

Beauty and the Bypass

I’m excited to announce two things: I’ve been approved for weight loss surgery, and will be undergoing laparoscopic roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery on February 7th. I’ve decided to share my weight loss journey publicly, and have launched a dedicated blog to document the process. It is called “Beauty and the Bypass.” If you’re curious to […]

One Month, One Year

It’s been almost one month since my last blog post, and it’s the one year anniversary of me moving back to Utah. Both seem hard for me to believe. Dates and anniversaries are significant to me. I have a strangely accurate recollection of dates from the past. 3/15/1995 brings a chill to my spine. 7/10/2004 […]