Who on Earth is Tarlov, and How Did I Get His Cysts?

Yesterday I went back to the imaging center for my second MRI of my lumbar spine. This time it was done with contrast dye, which I had a mild adverse reaction to (burning sensation, nausea, etc). Once my body calmed down after the dye was injected, the MRI was pretty simple. This afternoon the results […]

Didgeridoo for Sleep Apnea???

Ever heard of a didgeridoo? I read a very crazy news article from Reuters this weekend that talked about how regular didgeridoo playing can help with sleep apnea: Regular didgeridoo playing reduces snoring and daytime sleepiness, finds a study published by the British Medical Journal. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are common sleep disorders […]

Sleepin’ Sexxxy

I met with Dr. I today to discuss the results of my last sleep study. He said my daytime sleepiness is caused by sleep apnea, pure and simple. No narcolepsy, just obstructive sleep apnea. When I had the nose mask on a low airflow (6) I had about 10 disturbances per hour with snoring. When […]