Monday, July 12th, 2004
Taylor says: I’m glad you got some quality time with Rosie at least
Nicole says: Yeah….it was soooo nice, I can’t remember the last time when I had a whole day at home with her. Oh, I got her a CTR ring today…she is so happy
Taylor says: very cool, does she know what it means?
Nicole says: “choose the wight way”
Taylor says: nice
Nicole says: when I was waking up from my nap, Rosie started jumping on the bed singing “Book of Mormon Stories” Oh, and it was so cute….I asked Rosie if he liked you…
Taylor says: oh yeah?
Nicole says: she said “yeah, he’s really nice and I like that he kisses you a lot. I think he loves you this much!” (and she held out her arms all the way)
Taylor says: lol, nice
Nicole says: so do you? (with arms all the way out?)
Taylor says: yeah I do!
Nicole says: I’ve been just floating with happiness today
Taylor says: that’s a great change of pace! Happiness and your daughter
Nicole says: so apparently I’m quite the heartbreaker…I’ve turned down 4 dates this week
Taylor says: wow, I feel partially responsible…
Nicole says: I wouldn’t have it any other way. And someone had ordered flowers to be delivered to me tomorrow….he was really mad. Luckily he was able to get a refund LOL
Taylor says: lol, nice. There are a couple girls calling me and I’ve been trying to avoid them…..but the pain will have to be faced!
Nicole says: will the pain be worth it?
Taylor says: all signs point to positive!
Nicole says: WOO HOO! Ah Taylor, you’re the best
Taylor says: I do what I can
Nicole says: well, what you’re doin’ is working for me
Taylor says: anytime girl
Current Mood: loved
Current Music: When We Dance, Sting