Life in Balmoral

A few weeks ago I was reconnected to a bunch of my Balmoral friends’ blogs through Lia. Today I was thinking a lot about the three and a half years I lived on Archmore Court. My ex-husband Steve and I excitedly bought our first home, naively hoping that a new home may smooth over our […]

Historical Blogging

My profile pic that Taylor fell in love with… At the request of a few of my LONGTIME blog readers (as in, those who read my original citrusfruit blog and livejournals) I will be going through my archives and updating this site with my whole bloggin’ history. You’ll see the history of my courtship […]

Eight years ago today

Current mood: nostalgic On March 26, 1999…Steve and I were married. We were married 4.5 rollercoaster years, then divorced. It’s kinda weird to think back on my life with him. It started out okay…we were married in the temple, and came from good backgrounds. We had some good moments and some fun trips, but the […]

I.E. Almost Poetry

I am working on an poem. I haven’t written one in months. Inspired by some sticky conversations today, here goes…. BatteredBeatenStretched, Torn, StrainedProblematic AddictAllowing all the painAllowing myself repeatedlyI find myself againI lose myself againNever forgotten bruises returnForgotten scars re-emergeI am alone again Current Mood: gloomyCurrent Music: Cranberries, John Mayer

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

I miss Dan. I’m chatting in MSN right now, but we’ve returned to the same topic of why he can’t accept conventional religion. I admitted that I think I was in love with him. He seemed pretty floored. Maybe I shouldn’t have said it. But I felt some relief in that disclosure. So, I never […]