LDS Bloggers Give Back – Single Parent Scholarships

In the fall of 2003, my life became significantly different. I had been in a marriage that was unhealthy and unsafe, and I finally realized that it was time to end the marriage. The divorce went through smoothly and quickly, and within 6 weeks of my decision, I was a single mom. I had been […]

Spartan Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band

During my Junior year at Murray High School, I was a part of the school’s television production crew, SpartanVision (aka SVTV). Each morning we had to be in Mr. Pond’s room at 6:30 am to prepare for the broadcast at the end of 1st period. We had rotating responsibilities each week: camera, editing, script writing, […]

The Dainty Wildflower

The Dainty Wildflower* When it comes to youthful affairs of the heartThough my loves have been but a fewIt doesn’t take prideful impressing by himA sweet romance will always do When I reflect upon the wildflowersOn the path on which I goMakes me ponder much of simple times When hearts would let young lovers know […]

The Ultimate High School Stalker Letter

I have been having a blast going through my old boxes of high school stuff. Pictures, ticket stubs, notes, old research papers, choir programs, mixtapes, and more. I’m an admitted pack rat when it comes to nostalgia, but there were some true gems in this box. My favorite find was this letter from a boy […]

500th Post!

I am excited to report that I’ve been blogging continuously for nearly 5 years (my bloggiversary is June 8th, 2004) For those who haven’t known me very long, or just recently found my blog, here’s a list of blog highlights for your viewing pleasure: 6/14/04 – The first time I blogged about my sleep problems […]